A reforma da educação superior do governo Lula: autonomia relativa e financiamento

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José Paulo Pietrafesa


This study discusses the course of the third level educational reform initiated by Lula’s government, from the viewpoint of autonomy and finances, as well as presenting the proposals for higher education contained in the political manifesto Uma Escola do Tamanho do Brasil (‘A school the size of Brazil’), launched during the 2001 electoral campaign. Warnings and preoccupations are expressed with regard to several points presented in the two already published versions. I concluded that a historical process seems to exist whereby real autonomy will not be established in Brazilian federal universities, given that the regulations tend to relativize it, leaving the conditions for financial support vague and obscure.



Autonomia, Financiamento, Educação superior, Autonomy, Financial support, Third level education


AMARAL, Nelson Cardoso. A reforma da educação superior do governo Lula: autonomia relativa e financiamento. Intera-Ação, Goiânia, v. 30, n. 1, p. 11-35, jan./jun. 2005. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/interacao/article/view/1284/1338>.