Poda apical, densidade de plantas e cobertura plástica do solo na produtividade do tomateiro em cultivo protegido


The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of two combinations between plant density and tip pruning height, associated to the use of plastic mulching, on plants development and fruit yield of the tomato (Duradoro hybrid) grown under protected environment. Two single stem cultivation systems were compared: SC1 - tip pruning after the fifth inflorescence with 20,000 plants ha -1 ; SC2 - tip pruning after the second inflorescence with 50,000 plants ha -1 , and three different soil cover conditions: bare soil, white polyethylene film, 50 mm-thick, and black polyethylene film, 50 mm-thick. The experimental design used was randomized block, in a split plot array. The work was carried out from June to November of 2003, at the UNESP, Ilha Solteira (São Paulo State, Brazil). The treatment SC2 increased plant height at 45 days after the transplant, and reached higher number and fruit yield, with reduction in cropping period. The soil cover with polyethylene mulching did not affect the yield of this crop.



Lycopersicon esculentum, Densidade, Poda apical, Cultivo protegido, Lycopersicon esculentum, Protected environment, Tip pruning, Plant density


BOGIANI, Júlio César; ANTON, Cibele da Silva; SELEGUINI, Alexsander; FARIA JÚNIOR, Max José de Araujo; SENO, Shizuo. Poda apical, densidade de plantas e cobertura plástica do solo na produtividade do tomateiro em cultivo protegido. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 67, n. 1, p. 145-151, 2008.