Chlorococcales e Ulothricales de hábito colonial de quatro lagos artificiais do município de Goiânia – GO

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The present study aims to carry out an inventory of Chlorococcales and Ulothricales of colonial habit in four artifi cial lakes of areas of leisure of Goiânia, and to discover some ecological aspects. Fifty taxa of coccoid Chlorophyceae were found being 46 of Chlorococcales and four of Ulothricales. The most frequent species were, Oocystis borgei Snow, O. lacustris Chodat, Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood, D. elegans Bachmann, D. tetrachotomum Printz var. fallax Komarek, Radiococcus planktonicus Lund and Kirchneriella dianae (Bohlin) Comas . Among the four lakes the one that presented the largest specifi c richness was the Lake of the Rosas (41 taxa) and the largest densities were registered in the Jardim Botânico. The coccoid chlorophytes represented 3.8% of the total density registered in the lakes. Three taxa were abundant in the phytoplanktonic community, Radiococcus nimbatus (De Wiledemann) Schmidle, Ankistrodesmus bernardii Komarek and Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchner) Möbius. 24 taxa were registered for the fi rst time in the state of Goiás.



Chlorococcales, Ulothricales, Reservatório urbano, Urban reservoir


NOGUEIRA, Ina deSouza; OLIVEIRA, Juliano Eduardo. Chlorococcales e Ulothricales de hábito colonial de quatros lagos artificiais do município de Goiânia - GO. Iheringia. Série Botânica, Porto Alegre, v. 64, n. 2, p. 123-143, jul./dez. 2009.