Busca retrospectiva da transmissão maternal da infecção chagásica em pacientes na fase crônica


Maternal transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi from 278 children of 145 mothers, chronically infected with this protozoan, to their offspring was investigated. This study was based upon serological tests. In only two cases (2/278 = 0.7%), such mode of transmission was demonstrated to have occurred. However, as according to extant records both patients had also been breast-fed, and the contribution of this factor could not be ruled out. In any case, maternal transmission, an alternative mode of acquiring the infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, was demonstrated. The methodology used is a further contribution to the evaluation of the prevalence of this propagating mechanism of T. cruzi; in addition to those aimed at the main objective of the investigation, records were kept about pregnancy, parturition, puerperium, abortion, prematurity, perinatal deaths and breast-feeding, which might contribute to a better interpretation of the subject.



Infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, Transmissão maternal, Estudo retrospectivo, Trypanosoma cruzi infection, Maternal transmission, Retrospective study


RASSI, Anis; AMATO NETO, Vicente; RASSI, Gustavo Gabriel; AMATO, Valdir Sabbaga; RASSI JÚNIOR, Anis; LUQUETTI, Alejandro O.; RASSI, Sérgio Gabriel. Busca retrospectiva da transmissão maternal da infecção chagásica em pacientes na fase crônica. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, Uberaba, v. 37, n. 6, p. 485-489, nov./dez. 2004.