Manejo florestal no bioma cerrado: uma opção para conservar e lucrar


Decreasing the tree density in the forest promotes the diameter increment and, as a silvicultural technique, can reduce cutting cycles for exploration. In this context, however, semi-deciduous forests in Cerrado biome are little studied despite of their importance in the timber market. The objective of this research was to evaluate the diameter periodic annual increments (PAI) of the trees due to silvicultural interventions of the competition suppression in a secondary semi-deciduous forest in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, over ten years. Two evaluation periods, with the biannual periodic maintenance treatments (2003-2007) and the other without this maintenance (2007-2013), were considered. Treatments consisted in the removal of vegetation within a radius of one meter of the trees, associated or not to lianas cutting, and a control; and were randomly distributed in 12 plots of 25 x 30 meters along a moisture gradient. Between treatments, in both the periods of evaluation, the PAI ranged from 0.22cm.year-1 to 0.21cm.year-1 in the control area; 0.26cm.year-1 to 0.23cm.year-1 in the area under the suppression of competition (T2); and 0.27cm.year-1 to 0.22cm.year- 1 in the area under the suppression of competition associated with liana cutting (T3). At the populations level it was found that the species increased differently from each other, but associations of the diameters periodic annual increments with the silvicultural treatments were also found. Smaller PAI between 2007 and 2013 in relation to PAI between 2003 and 2007 confirmed the efficacy of silvicultural interventions in favor to the radial growth of trees and stressed the importance of population studies in composing the forest management. It was demonstrated that this treatment poses an alternative of management for these forests, that can combine with market trends related to carbon credits and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, converging to the suitability and obeisance of the Brazilian Forest Code.



Floresta estacional, Intervenções silviculturais, Ecologia, Semi-deciduous forest, Silvicultural treatments, Ecology


VENTUROLI, Fábio; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim; SILVA NETO, Carlos de Melo e; MORAES, Douglas César de; MARTINS, Thalles Oliveira; SOUZA, Denys Melo. Manejo florestal no bioma cerrado: uma opção para conservar e lucrar. Scientia Forestalis, Piracicaba, v. 43, n. 107, p. 6017-626, set. 2015.