Alguns componentes do valor adaptativo em drosophila nebulosa coletada na natureza (1), estação da seca

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Antônio Teixeira Neto


SOME COMPONENTES OF THE ADAPTAT!VE VALUE IN 􀀐 PHILA􀀓BULOSA COLECTED IN THE NATURE, I DRY SEASON, ln order to eva luate the adaptative value of female Drosophila nebulosa { collected at the Auguste de Saint-Hilaire ,-,oord, a biological reserva of the 1 1mato grosso goiano 11 , in Goiânia, state of Goiás, Brazil, at the Fe­deral University of Goiás) fertility, fecundity, survival capacity and age s ructure have been estimated during one of the most typical sea son of the year in Goiâs - the dry eather. The results obtained sug gest a population declíning in size. The highest survival eas 103 days vlith an averagg value of 46., days. The fertility rate found vias ªE. proximately 6ll5;. The fecundity (global) was abaut 66 offspring perf"­ male (97 considering only the fertile females).The data sho1·1ed great variability. The reproductive function (obtained by graphical adjus­tment) ,oas clearly bimodal. Vertical and ecological aspects have al­so been considered.




KRATZ, Fernando Luiz. Alguns componentes do valor adaptativo em drosophila nebulosa coletada na natureza (1), estação da seca. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 1/2, p. 215-225, jan./dez. 1983. Disponível em: <>.