Base de dados territoriais necessárias à análise de um sistema de reserva legal extra-propriedade no estado de Goiás

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The purpose of the present study was the compilation and characterization of the databasis utilized in the study “Economic Scenarios for the Off-Site Legal Forest Reserve System in the State of Goiás”. Specifically, we conducted an analysis of several social-economic indicators and land cover information, according to the hexagonal grid adopted for the above project, which comprised the entire State. Among the main results, the severe conversion of the natu-ral landscapes in Goiás is particularly noticed. In fact, 18% and 45% of the State area have been converted to agricul-ture and pasture lands, respectively, while, at the municipal level, 85% of the counties are non-compliant in environmen-tal terms (i.e. the remnant vegetation is less than the legally required) and the center and southern meso-regions show less than 20% of the original vegetation. Concerning the social indicators (HDI, GINI, Poverty Proportion, and Popula-tion Density), it is clearly demonstrated that the develop-ment in Goiás is still far from being sustainable and is mostly concentrated in the intensively converted areas, as the center and southern regions. By contrast, the northern and northeastern regions concentrate most of the poverty, low income distribution and remnant vegetation in the State. As our study demonstrates, the adoption of economic in-struments, in complement to the respect to the Permanent Protection Areas (APPs), may significantly contribute to the biodiversity preservation in the Cerrado biome.



Cerrado, Bases de dados territoriais, Análise sócio-econômica, Territorial databasis, Social and economic analysis


FERREIRA, Manuel Eduardo; FERREIRA, Laerte Guimarães; FERREIRA, Nilson Clementino; LOBO, Fábio Carneiro. Base de dados territoriais necessárias à análise de um sistema de reserva legal extra-propriedade no estado de Goiás. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 1, p. 27-46, 2007. Disponível em: <>.