An evaluation method of research on wearable wireless body area network in healthcare


Wearable Wireless Body Area Networks (WWBANs) are an emergent technology enabling the gathering of real-time data, for instance, towards decision making by healthcare professionals in the case of remote monitoring of vital signs of patients. Recent research, however, does not describe in a straightforward way how hardware, software and wireless communication platforms fit together in order to fully support a WWBAN-based healthcare application. In this paper we propose a maturity analysis method of research on WWBANs in healthcare. The goal is to analyze whether a paper contemplates features that a research project on WWBAN in healthcare should have to apply it in a real world scenario. As a result of our method, features not addressed might indicate the lack of maturity of research papers, or even suggest open issues on that field.



WWBAN, WBSN, Healthcare, Maturity level


RODRIGUES FILHO, Roberto Vito; BULCÃO NETO, Renato Freitas; SILVESTRE, Bruno Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Luís Galdino de; OLIVEIRA, Rogério Orlow; SENE JÚNIOR, Iwens Gervásio. An evaluation method of research on wearable wireless body area networks in healthcare. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Chennai, v. 5, n. 1, p. 65-78, Feb. 2013.