Produção de fitomassa de diferentes espécies, isoladas e consorciadas, com potencial de utilização para cobertura do solo


The no-tillage planting system comes to be an alternative to reach the sustainability of agriculture. A premise to its application, under the agro ecological conditions of the cerrado (savanna-like vegetation), is the production of plant mass to provide a good covering of the soil. A field experiment to evaluate plant mass yield of different soil cover crops, single and mixed, was conducted. The dry mass production was evaluated 90 days after plants emergence. Single cover crops which provided the greatest yields of dry mass was sorghum, followed by Feather-grass, Crotalária and brachiaria, respectively. The dry mass of Millet + Crotalária was greater than the single species.



Biomassa, Gramíneas, Leguminosas, Resíduos, Biomass, Leguminosas, Green manures


MENEZES, Luiz Antonio Silva; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Juarez Patrício de; FERREIRA, Alexandre Cunha de Barcellos; SANTANA, João das Graças; Rosana Gonçalves. Produção de fitomassa de diferentes espécies, isoladas e consorciadas, com potencial de utilização para cobertura do solo. Bioscience Journal, Uberlândia, v. 25, n. 1, p. 7-12, jan./fev. 2009.