Reativação da toxoplasmose durante o oitavo mês de gestação


Congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii may occur during the primary infection or after a new exacerbation of chronically infected patients. Patient 33, Pires do Rio-Goias resident, that at 33 weeks of pregnancy was subjected to ultrasound where the fetus had hydrocephalus and heart disease. The objective was to report a case of possible reactivation of congenital toxoplasmosis with the evolution of fetal death. Amniocentesis, Elisa, Indirect Immunofluorescence, IgG Avidity, experimental inoculation and PCR tests were performed. Serological tests confirmed late infection by T. gondii. The parasite was detected in the peritoneal exudate of mice and by PCR. The patient returned to his home city when on the 34th week of pregnancy new ultrasound found fetal death, and then cesarean section were performed. The monitoring of chronically infected pregnant women is important throughout pregnancy, because the reactivation or re infection can occur at any gestational age.



Toxoplasmose congênita, Diagnóstico e gestação, Líquido amniótico, Congenital toxoplasmosis, Amniotic fluid, Diagnosis and pregnancy


AVELAR, Juliana Boaventura; REZENDE, Hânstter Hállison Alves; STORCHILO, Heloisa Ribeiro; CANDIDO, Roberta Rassan de Lima; AMARAL, Waldemar Naves do; AVELINO, Marisa Martins; CASTRO, Ana Maria de. Reativação da toxoplasmose durante o oitavo mês de gestação. RENOME: revista norte mineira de enfermagem, v. 4, n. 1, p. 57-69, 2015.