Comunidades gays do orkut: encontros, confrontos e (re)construção de identidades

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Suely Gomes


The present world is symbolic and ephemeral. It is called Post-Modern by the majority of theoretical studies in this search. This study reflect how these concepts are present in the life of the individual users from on line communities, especially the gay person. The aims goals are identify the constructed identities gays in on line communities hosted on ORKUT by speech analysis. Finally it is concluded that gays were different identities, So, identities are also in constant transformation. However, the gays speeches in many cases negative, are reflections of the suffering caused by the society prejudice present today. The gay prejudice is over only when the society deconstruction this prejudice through education.



Homoafetividade, Teoria Queer, Ciberespaço, Comunidades online, ORKUT, Homoaffectivity, Queer theory, Cyberspace, On line communities


SANTOS, Andréa Pereira dos; GOMES, Suely Henrique de Aquino. Comunidades gays do orkut: encontros, confrontos e (re)construção de identidades.Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, v. 14, n. 2, p. 96-119, jul./dez. 2011. Disponível em: <>.