A biblioteca humana como um serviço inovador em bibliotecas públicas: uma proposta de implantação na Biblioteca Pública Estadual Pio Vargas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper presents as its theme a study about the relevance of the human library in the construction of an more egalitarian society. This review was originated from a concern to discover if it was possible to apply the human library service as an instrument of knowledge diffusion inside the Brazilian public libraries. It points out to implant the human library service in the Pio Vargas Public Library, aiming the possibility to use this suggestion as a model to others Brazilian Public Libraries. Comprehend in-depth the thematic of the human library and its applications; to understand how the human library can contribute to the function that the libraries develop in common people lives currently, based in existing experiences; and to verify the applicability of the human library service in the public library Pio Vargas are this paper’s specific objectives. The methodology is based in a formal procedure of reflective thought, with exploratory characterization by a quantitative-qualitative method of basic nature, applied in a case study. It concludes that the human library can become a service offered by the public libraries, seeing that by the applied test, the Public Library Pio Vargas became more attractive to its users and the society because of the knowledge diffusion.



Biblioteca humana, Biblioteca pública, Serviço de biblioteca, Implantação de serviço


MOREIRA, Mychelle Cristhiny Lima. A biblioteca humana como um serviço inovador em bibliotecas públicas: uma proposta de implantação na Biblioteca Pública Estadual Pio Vargas. 2017. 70 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.