O perfil do bibliotecário empreendedor em Goiânia: uma análise nas bibliotecas públicas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The study aims to raise theoretically the profile of an entrepreneur and to present which entrepreneurial characteristics are present in the professional librarians. It was sought through the research Identify librarians who practice entrepreneurship in their work and present the profile that is expected of an entrepreneurial librarian. It theoretically denotes the importance of entrepreneurship as an innovative practice and an opportunity for the Librarianship market. Conceptualizes based on the literature the Entrepreneur profile, its characteristics and the profile of the professional librarian. A quantitative and qualitative research of a basic nature was used, with procedures for data collection through questionnaires and interviews. The research population composed of users and librarians of the public libraries in Goiânia and the coordinator of the Faculty of Information and Communication, (FIC), Federal University of Goiás. The questionnaires for users were built using the Google Drive Form and applied in person . The interviews were conducted through script and recorded with the voice recorder feature. Displays the search results through reports, tables and graphs.



Empreendedorismo, Bibliotecário empreendedor, Bibliotecas públicas, Bibliotecário empreendedor em Goiânia


LIMA, Lívia Portos de. O perfil do bibliotecário empreendedor em Goiânia: uma análise nas bibliotecas públicas. 2016. 92 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.