Phospholipase gene expression during Paracoccidioides brasiliensis morphological transition and infection


Phospholipase is an important virulence factor for pathogenic fungi. In this study, we demonstrate the following: (i) the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis pld gene is preferentially expressed in mycelium cells, (ii) the plb1 gene is mostly up-regulated by infection after 6 h of co-infection of MH-S cells or during BALB/c mice lung infection, (iii) during lung infection, plb1, plc and pld gene expression are significantly increased 6-48 h post-infection compared to 56 days after infection, strongly suggesting that phospholipases play a role in the early events of infection, but not dur- ing the chronic stages of pulmonary infection by P. brasiliensis.



Host-pathogen interaction, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Pathogenicity, Phospholipases


SOARES, Deyze Alencar et al . Phospholipase gene expression during Paracoccidioides brasiliensis morphological transition and infection. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v. 108, n. 6, p. 808-811, Sept. 2013.