De Goiânia a ‘Gayânia’: notas sobre o surgimento do mercado “GLS” na capital do cerrado

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This paper presents an investigation conducted in Ser-Tão, Center for Studies and Research on Gender and Sexuality, at the Federal University of Goiás, which sought to interpret anthropologically the context of the emergence of a market commonly called “GLS” (gays, lesbians and supporters) in the capital of Goiás. The assumption, as evidenced by socioanthropological research already carried out in other metropolitan contexts in Brazil, is that the interpretation of the processes of formation of classificatory categories around homosexualities can be complexified by taking into account the dynamics related to this segmented market. This paper, therefore, presents a preliminary analysis of the memories related to the emergence of the market for leisure and sociability “GLS” in the city of Goiânia, from the speech of its entrepreneurs and regulars, to think about the relationships between the production of places and a locally sense of “community” or belonging.



Homossexualidade, Goiânia, Mercado, GLS, LGBT, Homosexuality, Market


BRAZ, CAMILO. De Goiânia a ‘Gayânia’: notas sobre o surgimento do mercado “GLS” na capital do cerrado. Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, v. 22, n. 1, p. 277-296, jan./abr. 2014.