Reflexões e problemas da "transmissão" intergeracional no feminismo brasileiro

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This article is based on an observation of the present and on some questions about the possibilities and limits of the transmission of a set of ideas – principles, values, methodologies, knowledge etc. – over time. Feminism, as a political and collective movement, which demands recognition and legitimacy, presumes strategies of permanent formation, and is confronted from time to time, with struggles that are related to its existence in the present and to its continuity in the future. The article aims at questioning concepts about the aging of the generations who gave support to feminist politics during the Brazilian re-democratization process in the late 1970s, which constituted itself the heritage of the so called “second wave”. Our perspective aims to interrogate processes of social change, understood as contingent and also necessary, to a politics of intergenerational transmission.



Transmissão intergeracional, Movimento feminista, Mulheres, Brasil, Intergenerational transmission, Feminist movement, Women, Brazil


GONÇALVES, Eliane; PINTO, Joana Plaza. Reflexões e problemas da "transmissão" intergeracional no feminismo brasileiro. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, n. 36, p. 25-46, jan./jun. 2011.