O machete e o violoncelo: gêneros musicais e identidade social na prosa de Machado de Assis

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The fictional work of Machado de Assis refers to several aspects of musical art or esthetics whose sociological or historical analysis led to reconstruct specific traits of culture and sociability in Rio de Janeiro during the Second Empire. This subject was already analyzed by Wisnik (2004) and Avelar (2006). By the way, there are very known works that combine the estheticliterary analysis with Brazilian social formation history, as in Faoro (1976), Santiago (1978), Schwarz (1977), Bosi (1982) e Gledson (1986). The aim here is to analyze the construction of a social identity related to some elements of the musical practice (creation, reception, performance, professionalism) that prevailed in Rio de Janeiro society at the end of XIX. The analysis is mainly oriented by the interpretation of some short stories of Machado de Assis Brazilian writer: “O machete”, “Um homem célebre”, “Cantiga de esponsais” and “Trio em La menor”.



Identidade social, Sociologia da música, Machado de Assis, Social identity, Sociology of music


NUNES, Jordão Horta. O machete e o violoncelo: gêneros musicais e identidade social na prosa de Machado de Assis. ArtCultura, Uberlândia, v. 10, n. 17, p. 73-88, jul./dez. 2008.