New vectors derived from puc18 for cloning and thermal-induced expression in Escherichia coli


We report the construction of two vectors for Escherichia coli: pUC72, for molecular cloning, and pPLT7, for thermal induced expression. The main feature of pUC72 is a novel polylinker region that includes restriction sites for Nde I and Nco I which provide an ATG codon for proper translation initiation of expressed genes. Vector pPLT7 is ideal for thermo inducible expression in host cells that carry the cI857 repressor gene. The use of pPLT7 was validated by the successful expression of the genes encoding carp and porcine growth hormones. These vectors provide novel cloning possibilities in addition to simple, non $>7$nsive, high level expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli.



Induced expression, Heterologous expression, Escherichia coli, Molecular cloning


XAVIER, Mauro Aparecido Souza; KIPNIS, André; TORRES, Fernando Araripe Gonçalves; ASTOFI-FILHOS, Spartaco. New vectors derived from puc18 for cloning and thermal-induced expression in Escherichia coli. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, São Paulo, v. 40, p. 778-781, 2009.