Anatomical study of intrahemispheric association fibers in the brains of capuchins monkeys (Sabajus sp.)


Previous studies suggest that the complexity of fiber connections in the brain plays a key role in the evolutionary process of the primate brain and behaviors. The patterns of brain fiber systems have been studied in detail in many nonhuman primates, but not in Sapajussp. Behavioral studies indicated that Sapajus sp. (bearded capuchins) show highly cognitive behaviors such as tool use comparable to those in other nonhuman primates. To compare the brain fiber systems in capuchins with those in other nonhuman primates and humans, the intrahemispheric fibers systems in 24 cerebral hemispheres of Sapajus were dissected by a freezing-thawing procedure. Dissection of the hemispheres in lateral view indicated short arcuate fibers, uncinate fasciculus, and inferior longitudinal fasciculus, while that in a medial view indicated short arcuate fibers, the cingulum united with the superior longitudinal fasciculus, and inferior longitudinal fasciculus. The results showed that the fiber systems in Sapajus arecomparabletothosein rhesus and humans, except for a lack of independent superior longitudinal fasciculus and cingulum in Sapajus.




BORGES, Kellen Christina Malheiros; NISHIJO, Hisao; AVERSI-FERREIRA, Tales Alexandre; FERREIRA, Jussara Rocha; CAIXETA, Leonardo Ferreira. Anatomical study of intrahemispheric association fibers in the brains of capuchins monkeys (Sabajus sp.). BioMed Research International, London, v. 2015, e-648128, 2015.