Uma questão tecnocientífica: a controvérsia sobre os transgênicos


This brief essay aims at discussing and reflecting upon the "new" logic that drives - and more specifically selects -, scientific knowledge to be studied and developed in the society in which we live, namely, the perspective of technoscience. Also it brings the controversy over genetically modified organisms (GMO) as an example of technoscientific knowledge, and the importance of ethical debate, based upon a reflection on socially constructed values. Finally, it proposes the discussion of technoscientific questions in Science Teaching.



Tecnociência, Transgênicos, Ética, Ensino de ciências, Technoscience, GMO, Ethics, Science teaching


GENOVESE, Cinthia Leticia de Carvalho Roversi; GENOVESE, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi; CARVALHO, Washington Luiz Pacheco de. Uma questão tecnocientífica: a controvérsia sobre os transgênicos. Ciência em Tela, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1-9, 2015.