A educação ambiental em busca do saber ambiental nas instituições de ensino superior

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The present paper is a reflection on the Environmental Education practiced in Brazil nowadays and the paths covered by it to consolidate itself in the unstable and still unknown realms that constitute the Institutions of College Education. Thus, reflexive reading of some papers and other Brazilian publications have been conducted, based on the ideas of Enrique Leff, a Mexican author that contributes a great deal to the discussion of the socioenvironmental questions in Brazil and in the world, so one can walk safely in order to reach new horizons in the discussion on Environmental Education in Brazil.



Educação ambiental, Crise, Professores, Environmental education, Crisis, Teachers


MORAES, Fernando Aparecido de; SHUVARTZ, Marilda; PARANHOS, Rones de Deus. A educação ambiental em busca do saber ambiental nas instituições de ensino superior. Revista Eletrônica do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental, Rio Grande, v. 20, p. 63-77, jan./jun. 2008.