In vitro skin penetration of clobetasol from lipid nanoparticles: drug extraction and quantitation in different skin layers


Clobetasol propionate (CP) is a potent topical corticosteroid that causes several cutaneous and systemic side effects. In the present work, CP was encapsulated in nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) to increase drug retention in the outer skin layers and improve the safety of topical therapy. NLCs were prepared using a microemulsion technique with a mixture of lecithin, taurodeoxycholate, stearic acid, and oleic acid. In vitro penetration studies were performed in a modified Franz-type diffusion cell, and porcine ears were used as a model of human skin. A simple and sensitive liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for clobetasol determination in different skin layers. NLCs presented uniform size distribution, high zeta potentialand entrapment efficiency values (> 98%). The analytical procedure was validated according to FDA guidelines. Clobetasol recoveries from skin samples were higher than 85%, with no interference of skin components and NLC ingredients. In experiments, after 6 h, a higher drug accumulation in the stratum corneum arising from NLCs compared to aqueous CP solution was observed. Thus, the NLCs demonstrated high potential for targeting CP to the skin and ensuring drug accumulation in the stratum corneum.



Clobetasol propionate/in vitro skin penetration, Nanostructured lipid carriers/in vitro study, Proprionato de clobetasol/penetração cutânea in vitro, Carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados/ estudo in vitro


SILVA, Luís Antônio Dantas et al.In skin penetration of clobetasol from lipid nanoparticles: drug extraction and quantitation in different skin layers. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo, v. 48, n. 4, p. 811-817, Oct./Dec. 2012.