A percepção do professor de biologia e a sua formação: a educação ambiental em questão

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The article shows the results of a survey aimed at identifying the perceptions of Biology teachers from Piracicaba, SP, and of graduating Biological Sciences students. The presence of environmental education in their initial training is investigated in order to discuss the introduction of the theme at the university in general and specifically in the Biological Sciences. The results indicate that the biology teachers still need more critical environmental education training and this training, from a complex perspective, needs to be intense in order that degreed professionals can effectively act in civic education for a more sustainable society.



Formação de professores, Educação ambiental, Ensino de biologia, Ensino superior, Teacher training, Environmental education, Biology teaching, Higher education


GUIMARÃES, Simone Sendin Moreira; INFORSATO, Edson do Carmo. A percepção do professor de biologia e a sua formação: a educação ambiental em questão. Ciência & Educação, Bauru, v. 18, n. 3, p. 737-754, 2012.