A relação entre educação ambiental e a educação de jovens e adultos sob a perspectiva da trajetória dos educadores

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The article presents the results of a research conducted with teachers of Youth and Adults (EJA) in a school in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. The goal is to provide elements that allow to understand how the inclusion of environmental education (EE) in the EJA. For this, we identified the concepts and practices of teachers on the EJA and EA through a questionnaire. Teachers pointed out difficulties to work in EA EJA, for reasons that underlie aspects of initial training. The analysis revealed the need for insertion of the EA under the EJA critical perspective, due to the specific audience of adult education. Research indicates the indispensability of the continuing education of teachers as well as the reformulation of pedagogical municipal adult education in order to contemplate Environmental Education.



Educação de jovens e adultos, Educação ambiental, Youth and adult education, Environmental education


PARANHOS, Rones de Deus; SHUVARTZ, Marilda. A relação entre educação ambiental e a educação de jovens e adultos sob a perspectiva da trajetória dos educadores. Contexto & Educação, Ijuí, v. 28, n. 91, p. 84-105, set./dez. 2013.