Mesiodistal root angulation of permanent teeth in children with mixed dentition and normal occlusion


O bjective: There is little information regarding the mesiodistal angulation of permanent teeth in mixed dentition. The aim of this study was to evaluate mesiodistal root angulation of reference plane based on the midpoint of the intercuspation of primary canines and permanent ! " # $ % & ' # ()*+ ,-/ normal occlusion and no eruptive disturbances. Results: The angulation of the permanent maxillary $ % # 25 degrees of distal root angulation. The maxillary canines were the most distally angulated teeth, whereas the permanent mandibular canines were vertically positioned. The evaluation of the anterior maxillary area showed vertical position of permanent lateral, and central incisors with a slight distal angulation, whereas the permanent mandibular incisors tended to a mesial radicular convergence. Conclusions: The proposed reference line could be useful in mixed dentition root angulation evaluation; there was a slight asymmetry in the mesiodistal angulation among homologous teeth, and also a small variation between the male and the female groups, but no difference between 8-and 10-year-old children.



Panoramic radiography, Dental occlusion, Mixed dentition, Interceptive orthodontics


JESUINO, Flávia A. S.; COSTA, L. R.; VALLADARES-NETO, J. Mesiodistal root angulation of permanent teeth in children with mixed dentition and normal occlusion. Journal of Applied Oral Science, Bauru, v. 18, n. 6, p.29, Nov./Dec.2010.