Perceptions of dentists, dentistry undergraduate students, and the lay public about dental sedation


Sedation is an option for controlling fear and anxiety related to a visit to the dentist. The goal of this study was to capture, by means of a questionnaire, the perceptions of twenty dentists, twenty dental students and twenty lay people concerning the use of sedatives in a dental environment. The responses were evaluated using the quantitative-interpretative method. Dentists: 75% had knowledge of sedatives in a dental setting, but their actual use was mentioned by only three. As far as the use of sedatives by dentists is concerned, one considered it “risky” and 19 were favorable. Two affirmed that sedation does not present risks. Eighteen said they would be able to react to a medical emergency. Dental students: 60% said they were aware of the topic, in theory. Nineteen expressed interest in the topic. Fifteen claimed there were risks associated with the technique. Twelve (60%) have the theoretical knowledge to deal with a medical emergency in the dental office. Lay public: Seven (35%) responded that they felt some discomfort during dental treatment, because of fear (n=6) and equipment noise (n=2). Five said they would go to the dentist more often if there was a way to reduce the discomfort. Half of those interviewed indicated that they knew what sedation was. Sixteen favored using it for dental treatment. Seven thought that there were no risks when sedation is carried out. It was concluded that few participants in any of the three categories felt confident about the topic, though they demonstrated interest. The population in general felt optimistic, while practicing dentists and dental students complained of a lack of exposure to the subject at dental school.



Conscious sedation, Dental education, Social perception, Sedação consciente, Percepção social, Educação em cdontologia


COSTA , Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da et al. Perceptions of dentists, dentistry undergraduate students, and the lay public about dental sedation. Journal of Applied Oral Science, Bauru, v. 12, n. 3, p. 182-188, 2004.