A abordagem de adolescentes em grupos: o contexto da educação em saúde e prevenção de DST


Introduction: the sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are among the most often Public Health problems on the whole world. Last decades, many efforts have been done to prevention of these diseases mainly to youth population. Health Education constitutes STD prevention and control possibility and, group activities generally are a good choice to work with youth clients. Objective: with paper we sough to debate about some adolescent group approach characteristics on Health Education activities to STD prevention. Method: review paper developed from a non exhausted literature reviewing comparison to researchers work experiences with adolescents, considering youth vulnerability to STD. Results: as results emerged from discussion three categories focused on adolescence and on vulnerability to STD; on adolescent needs and Health Education; and on group discussion managing through its context. Conclusion: we conclude that group as strategy to approaching adolescents is very appropriate, because its possibilities to offer dynamic conditions close to reality and adolescent way of life characteristics. However, it is necessary to health professionals a basic knowledge about group movements and its dynamics, because planning interventions to the group isn’t enough, but with the members group participation.



Adolescentes, Educação em saúde, Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, Adolescents, Health education, Sexually transmitted diseases


SOUZA, Márcia M.; BORGES, Ida K.; MEDEIROS, Marcelo; TELES, Sheila A.; MUNARI, Denize B. A abordagem de adolescentes em grupos: o contexto da educação em saúde e prevenção de DSTs. DST: jornal brasileiro de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, Niterói, v. 16, n. 2, p. 18-22, 2004.