Iny Rybè Rtidyy

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Maria do Socorro Pimentel da Silva


Iny rybèrèny hèka nawitxiramy namyhỹde iwitxira bdèdỹỹnana nalòmy namyhỹdeki, irbi tahè iòraruki iny rybèrèny rexihukèhè aõkõre, iny rybèmy rkarybèmyhỹrènykè, kièmy dori rybè tuu rybè õki rùsakè, iwsèki hèka hỹỹna mahãdu rybè rùsamy ramyhỹre. Hỹỹna mahãdu rybè wiji iny mahãdu rièryõmyhỹre, wiji hèka rybè sõèmy rawitxira witxiramy nyimyhỹde Hỹỹna rybè rùsamy rỹira, Iny Umy rybè ibutelemy iny tuu rarybèmyhỹre, wijina bòdu rybè-sỹ iwitxiramy nyimyhỹde Jyrè mahãdu rybè rbi. Mytahè rybè tuu rybè-õki rùsakè, rybè hèka rùrùmyhỹre myrèrimy aõnaõna iny birè birèmy rỹira timykèkibo rùsakè, òwòru òwòru-ni boho boho, butumy aõnaõna-ni.
The speeches of the Iny people have differed according to the transformations and intercultural knowledge, but this is not why we should stop using words that have deep root in our culture. The ancestors’ speeches, the speeches of the older of the current iny, the speeches of young people and the speeches of adolescents in practice are different. The ancestral speeches almost no one uses, or does not know anymore. Words that are not used, they will die because they stand still in time. And so are the speeches of the elders, the youth and adolescents if we do not practice in our day to day. They are loosing space for other forms of speech, including names of all nature around us, trees, birds, and animals in general.



Fala dos antigos, Fala dos velhos(as), Fala dos jovens, Fala dos adolescentes, Hỹỹna rybè, Iny Umy rybè, Wijina bòdu rybè, Jyrè mahãdu rybè, Speech of the old, Speech of the old people, Speech of the young, Speech of the adolescents


WAHUKA, Sinvaldo Oliveira. Iny Rybè Rtidyy. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 28-36, jan./dez. 2017. Disponível em: