Regime de metas de inflação: relação entre preços agrícolas, taxa de juros e taxa de câmbio

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It was developed an agricultural macro model to analyze the interdependence among interest rate, exchange rate and agricultural prices, considering a regime of target inflation. It was verified that the main mechanism of monetary policy transmission is through the exchange rate and that the improper use of such policy, without considering the trade-off between inflation and economic growth, can damage other economic sectors. Considering the hypothesis of small country, the agricultural prices are determined in the international market, suffering little influence from monetary shocks, except those through the exchange rate.



Metas inflacionárias, Overshooting, Preços agrícolas, Taxa de câmbio, Inflation targets, Overshooting, Agricultural prices, Exchange rate


SCALCO, Paulo Roberto; VIEIRA, Wilson da Cruz. Regime de metas de inflação: relação entre preços agrícolas, taxa de juros e taxa de câmbio. Revista de Política Agrícola, Brasília, v. 19, n. 1, p. 17-23, jan./mar. 2010.