Estudo de viabilidade econômica e risco para sistemas de bovinocultura de leite em Piracanjuba, GO


This study analyzed three milk production systems, under deterministic and risk conditions, in Piracanjuba, Goiás. These systems were adapted from the Conseleite-Paraná Project, with the support the Agricultural Cooperative (COAPIL) experts in milk production. These systems were designed to reflect Piracanjuba‘s production and market conditions, assuming three production and technological levels: low, average and relatively high. The maim objective was to evaluate the profitability of these systems under risk. Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return were used as profitability indicators. A 6% discount rate was used as the opportunity cost of capital, and 15 year as the project life. Risk analyses were undertaken using Monte Carlo Simulation Method.



Rentabilidade, Monte Carlo, Análise de sensibilidade, Economical profitability, Risk analysis, Simulation of Monte Carlo


OLIVEIRA, Elis Regina de et al. Estudo de viabilidade econômica e risco para sistemas de bovinocultura de leite em Piracanjuba, GO. Revista de Politica Agrícola, Brasília, v. 16, n. 3, p. 85-98, jul./set. 2007.