Cuidados vocais: questão de prevenção e saúde


Planned by Brazilian doctors, the National Week of the Voice (Semana Nacional da Voz) conquered the world due to the huge reached success. This study has the objective to demonstrate the results reached during the 9th National Week of the Voice (9ª Semana Nacional da Voz) that took place in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás. During the event, 125 patients had been selected by the phonoaudiology team and manually filled a questionnaire elaborated for the campaign in the validity of possible pharyngolaryngeal alterations. The patients had been examined by the otorhinolaryngologist using indirect laryngoscopy and, when necessary, submitted to videolaryngoscopy. After medical evaluation, it was observed that 52 people (41,6%) had presented alterations in the speech organs or in proximal regions, in one patient paralysis of left vocal fold was detected and one patient presented tumoral injury. Considering all the patients attended, only one presented malignant neoplasm (squamous cell carcinoma), confirmed later by biopsy.



Doenças laríngeas, Rouquidão, Voz, Neoplasia, Prevenção, Laryngeal illnesses, Voice, Huskiness, Neoplasm, Prevention


GUIMARÃES, Valeriana de Castro; VIANA, Maria Aparecida do Divino Espírito; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; PAIVA, Maria Luiza de Faria; TAVARES, João Antonio Gomes; CAMARGO, Leandro Azevedo de. Cuidados vocais: questão de prevenção e saúde. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, n. 6, p. 2799-2803, set. 2010.