Utilização tecnólogica dos frutos de jatobá-do-cerrado e de jatobá-da-mata na elaboração de biscoitos fontes de fibra alimentar e isentos de açúcares

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The objective of this study was to investigate the use of jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) and jatobá-da-mata (Hymenaea stilbocarpa Mart.) flours added to wheat flour for the production of cookies as a source of dietary fibre and without sugar. The jatobá flours were evaluated for their physical and chemical characteristics. Cookies were prepared using a mixture of wheat and jatoba flours, containing 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The cookies were evaluated for their physical, chemical and sensory characteristics. The jatobá-do-cerrado and jatobá-da-mata had the following composition on a dry basis: 7,60±0,22 and 8,37±0,12g protein/100g, 3,03±0,05 and 2,92±0,11g lipidis/100g, 4,60±0,06 and 5,48±0,07g ash/100g, 11,01±0,50 and 9,81±0,58g soluble food fibre/100g, 42,86±0,27 and 45,79±0,61g insoluble food fibre/100g and 18,54±0,55 and 20,18±0,46g carbohydrates/100g. The spread factor was higher in cookies containing levels of 20% and 25% of jatobá-do-cer- rado flour and levels of 15% and 25% of jatobá-da-mata. Cookies made of 10% of jatobá-do-cerrado and jatobá-da-mata were the most acceptable products of those tested and no significant differences in appearance were found between them. Cookies prepared from the blends containing 10% of jatobá-do-cerrado and jatobá-da-mata flours had 6,05±0,09 and 6,77±0,53g/100g dietary fibre/100g respectively. Cookies without sugar and source of dietary fibre were produced by replacing 10% wheat flour with jatobá flours.



Jatobá, Análise sensorial, Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart., Fibra alimentar, Hymenaea stilbocarpa Mart., Biscoito


SILVA, Mara Reis; SILVA, Maria Sebastiana; MARTINS, Karine Anusca; BORGES, Sheila. Utilização tecnólogica dos frutos de jatobá-do-cerrado e de jatobá-da-mata na elaboração de biscoitos fontes de fibra alimentar e isentos de açúcares. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, v. 21, n. 2, p. 176-182, maio/ago. 2001.