Compliance with and response to hepatitis B vaccination in remaining quilombo communities in central Brazil


Compliance with and responses to the hepatitis B vaccine were evaluated in remaining quilombo communities in Central Brazil. A total of 708 individuals who were susceptible to hepatitis B virus infection were invited to participate in the hepatitis B vaccination program in eight communities. Although 567 (80%) individuals received the first dose, only 198 (28%) complied with the full vaccination scheme. Of 148 subjects who agreed to be tested for anti-HBs, 123 (83.1%; 95%CI: 75.9-88.6) responded to the vaccine. A geometric mean titer of 512mIU/mL (95%CI: 342.5-765.3) was found. Male sex and older age were independently associated with non-response. Additional health education programs and alternative hepatitis B vaccine schedules are needed to improve the vaccination coverage in these communities in Central Brazil.



Vírus da hepatite B, Vacinas contra hepatite B, Afrodescendentes, Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis B vaccines, African descendants


CASTRO, Ana Rita C. Motta; GOMES, Selma A.;YOSHIDA, Clara F. T.; MIGUEL, Juliana C.; TELES, Sheila A.; MARTINS, Regina M. B. Compliance with and response to hepatitis B vaccination in Quilombo remnant communities in Central Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 738-742, Apr. 2009.