Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos


Objective: To identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome Methodology: 6 7 8 females were consecuvel assessed through trans-vaginal ultrasound from December 2011 to May 2012. Out of them, 41 were selected with the use of ultrasonography, which showed the existence of 10 or more antral follicles of about 4 – 7mm in one or both ovaries to each measurement of weight, height and calculated IMC. Excluded were 3 patients who did not show an infertility frame, menstrual irregularity, papillomatosis nigricans, acne, or pilosis. Transvaginal ultrasonographies were carried out at a private clinic or a public hospital by an experienced examiner, who used dynamic vaginal equipment of 7.5 MHz. Results: Results obtained from selected patients according to IMC were: 26.3% (18.5 – 24.9 normal weight); 55.4% (25 – 29.9 overweight); 10.5% (30 – 34.9 1st. degree obesity); 5.2% (35 – 39.39 – 2nd degree obesity); and 2.6 (over 40 – 3rd obesity). Conclusion: The overweight and obesity prevalence of patients who carry syndrome of polycystic ovary syndrome is 73%.



Sobrepeso, Overweight, Obesidade, Ovários policísticos, Ultrassom, Obesity, Ovary polycystitis, Ultrasound


AMARAL, Alexandre A. Bezerra do et al. Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos. RBUS: revista brasileira de ultra-sonografia, Goiânia, v. 14, p. 17-20, 2013.