Dissolution test of herbal medicines containing Paullinia cupana: validation of methods for quantification and assessment of dissolution


“Guaraná” (Paullinia cupana) is used as a physical activity enhancer and stimulator due to its methylxanthines and condensed tannins. The aim of this work was to evaluate the dissolution behavior of five herbal medicines in the form of capsules and tablets containing guaraná. Assay and dissolution methods were validated and results obtained allowed simultaneous marker quantification with precision, accuracy, selectivity and robustness. Findings showed that 100% of the herbal medicinal products analyzed did not provide satisfactory results concerning the presence of four markers, 60% had three markers (caffeine, catechin and epicatechin), while 40% had only caffeine at tested dosage forms. In addition, after 30 minutes, only capsule A showed at least 80% of the dissolved markers. In other capsules, marker dissolution did not exceed 60% whereas 60% of the samples had some characteristic pharmacotechnical problems. These results evidence the need for rigorous quality control to help ensure the therapeutic action of these drugs. To this end, dissolution studies are an essential tool for quality assurance of herbal medicines.



Herbal medicines/quality control, Paullinia cupana/pharmacognosy, Herbal medicines/dissolution behavior, Guaraná/pharmacognosy, Medicinal plants, Fitoterápicos/controle de qualidade, Fitoterápicos/comportamento de dissolução, Paullinia cupana/farmacognosia, Guaraná/farmacognosia, Plantas medicinais


SOUSA, Sandra Alves de; PÁSCOA, Henrique; CONCEIÇÃO, Edemilson Cardoso da; DINIZ, Danielle Guimarães Almeida; PAULA, José Realino de; BARA, Maria Teresa de Freitas. Dissolution test of herbal medicines containing Paullinia cupana: validation of methods for quantification and assessment of dissolution. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo, v. 47, n. 2, p. 269-277, Apr./June 2011.