Mitochondrial and chloroplast localization of FtsH-like proteins in sugarcane based on their phylogenetic profile


A phylogenetic analysis of plant FtsH-like proteins was performed using protein sequences from the GENEBANK database and five groups of plant FtsH-like proteins were identified by neighbor-joining analysis. Prediction of the subcellular location of the proteins suggested that two (FtsH-m1 & FtsH-m2) were mitochondrial and three (FtsH-p1, FtsH-p2, FtsH-p3) were plastid targeting. The phylogenetic profile of plant FtsH-like proteins was used to search sugarcane expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters in the SUCEST database. Initially, 153 clusters presenting homology with FtsH-like proteins were recovered, of which 23 were confirmed by a BLAST search in the GENEBANK database and by comparison of their hidropathy index with that of previously described FtsH-like proteins. Sugarcane presented EST clusters in all phylogenetic groups. In silico expression analysis showed that the groups are differentially expressed in sugarcane tissues, with FtsH-p2 and FtsH-m1 presenting increased levels of expression.




MARBACH, Phellippe A. Santos; COELHO, Alexandre S. Guedes; SILVA FILHO, Marcio C. Mitochondrial and chloroplast localization of FtsH-like proteins in sugarcane based on their phylogenetic profile. Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ribeirão Preto, v. 24, n. 1/4, p. 183-190, Jan./Dec. 2001.