O olhar entre o bem e o mal no melodrama: um estudo de O medo consome a alma

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This article intends to investigate the possibilities of a melodrama that provoques reflections on its spectators. The connection between victim and oppressor and the dichotomy that exists in the elemental paradigm of the melodrama also will be purpoused. Lastly, it will be investigated the possibillity of criating melodrama that are not fundamented in the judeo-christian culture; on this last topic it will be made a study of the movie Angst essen seele auf, from Rainer Fassbinder.



Melodrama, Bem, Mal, Good, Evil


NOGUEIRA, Lisandro Magalhães; SAMPAIO, Ícaro San Carlo Máximo. O olhar entre o bem e o mal no melodrama: um estudo de O medo consome a alma. Revista FAMECOS: mídia, cultura e tecnologia, Porto Alegre, v. 20, n. 2, p. 337-353, maio/ago. 2013.