Responsabilidade legal sobre modelos de prótese parcial removível


Objective The present study checked how the laboratories that make partial dentures in Piracicaba, São Paulo (Brazil), receive the plaster casts sent by dental surgeons in order to make these kinds of prostheses. Methods The law regarding civil liability of those involved in manufacturing and using removable partial dentures were also checked out. To this end, a questionnaire, containing structured and open questions addressing all the aspects associated with the study, was sent to and completed by the lab technicians responsible for removable partial dentures. The data collected were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Results It was ascertained that the Dental Prosthetics Technician (100%) is the individual responsible for all the laboratories analyzed and these laboratories (100%) know that the planning of the Removable Partial Dentures is the obligation of the dental surgeon. The respective models of removable partial dentures represented an oral cavity with practically no preparation prior to molding and these are sent without the respective planning. Conclusion It was concluded that the professionals involved in this kind of work have only a partial knowledge of the various stages required to gain success with this kind of treatment and have poor knowledge of the laws that regulate their work. The dentist’s civil liability, with regard to the field of Removable Partial Dentures, regardless of classification (Kennedy class I, II, III, IV), is considered to be shared liability. However, it is important to stress that advertising and publicity may change this consideration in cases where the dentist makes promises about esthetical outcomes, as per the Consumer Protection Code.



Modelos dentários, Responsabilidade legal, Planejamento de prótese dentária, Prótese parcial removível, Dental models, Liability legal, Dental prosthesis design, Denture partial removable


FRANCESQUINI JUNIOR, Luiz et al. Responsabilidade legal sobre modelos de prótese parcial removível. RGO: revista gaúcha de odontologia, Porto Alegre, v. 59, n. 4, p. 603-608, out./dez. 2011.