Reabilitação conservadora com prótese adesiva reforçada por fibra de vidro - princípios, técnica e resultados


This case report presents the principles, techniques (laboratory and clinical) and the results of an oral rehabilitation with a glass fiber–reinforced composite fixed partial denture (GFCPD). A 23-year-old female patient with absence of tooth 36, intact 35 and 37 with class I amalgam restoration came to dental school. Expulsive OD and MO conservative cavity preparations were executed on teeth 35 and 37, respectively. Definitive impressions were taken with a condensation silicone and provisional restorations made with acrylic resin. The glass-fiber system plus the microhybrid composite resin, in colors A3 e A2 (enamel and dentin), were employed. After finishing and polishing the prosthesis, intaglio surfaces were aluminum oxide sandblasted, silanized and adhesively fixed with Adper Single Bond 2 and Rely-X ARC. Then, a rigorous occlusal adjustment and new polishment were performed with diamond pastes. This conservative treatment option enabled tooth 35 to receive minor cavity preparations and also tooth 37, which had already been prepared in the past to receive an amalgam restoration. The employed materials restored occlusal function and esthetical appearance, and occlusal adjustment rises the chances for greater longevity. The knowledgement about GFCPD cavity preparation principles, fibers issues, prosthodontics planning and adhesive principles are the principal reason for successful treatments.



Prótese adesiva, Resinas compostas, Cimentos dentários, Preparo do dente, Resin-bonded fixed partial denture, Tooth preparation, Composite resins, Dental cements


FONSECA, Rodrigo B. et al. Reabilitação conservadora com prótese adesiva reforçada por fibra de vidro - princípios, técnica e resultados. Robrac: revista odontológica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 19, p. 10-15, 2010.