Interações telecolaborativas na aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras: foco no uso dos recursos do aplicativo computacional Openmeetings

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This paper is part of a study conducted among Brazilian learners and their German partners who interacted, through a virtual context, to learn languages and to develop a project on environmental sustainability. It is a qualitative research (BOGDAN ; BIKLEN, 1994) conducted from August to December in 2010. The data, collected through a software called Openmeetings, were analyzed using mainly the theoretical perspectives of collaborative language learning and negotiation (FIGUEIREDO , 2006; PICA, 1994) and language learning in tandem/teletandem (BENEDETT I, 2010; TELLES, 2009a; VASSALO ; TELLES, 2006, 2009). The results discussed in this paper show how the learners congregate the use of the features present in Openmeetings and other resources associated with it to help their partners in the learning of Portuguese and English, as well as to talk about issues related to the theme of the proposed project.



Aprendizagem de línguas, Language learning, Openmeetings, Teletandem, Openmeetings, Teletandem


FIGUEIREDO, Francisco José Quaresma; SILVA, Suelene Vaz da. Interações telecolaborativas na aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras: foco no uso dos recursos do aplicativo computacional Openmeetings. Ilha do Desterro, Florianópolis, n. 66, p. 133-172, jan./jun. 2014.