Arquivamento e álbum de família: entre o documento e a expressão

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This article aims to discuss the archival and constitution modes of the family album, from the perception of survival of sociocultural practices. This discussion will be ope ned with the concept and classification of familiar album by Armando Silva (2008), in order to apprehend its functions and archival techniques. From this context, the family album is seen as a file that transits between “document photography” and “photogra phy-expression”, nomenclatures of Rouillé (2009) that are problematized in the text, having as a point of inflection the proposal of (Derrida, 2001).



Fotografia, Álbum de família, Arquivo, Photography, Family album, Archive


ALVES, Rafael Delfino Rodrigues; FERNANDES, Ana Rita Vidica. Arquivamento e álbum de família: entre o documento e a expressão. Contemporânea: revista de comunicação e cultura, Salvador, v. 18, n. 2, p. 63-84, maio/ago. 2020.