A educação infantil e o jogo na revista Pensar a Prática: uma análise histórico-cultural da produção científica da educação física

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study consists of a monographic work of course completion, which is entitled: Early childhood education and the game in the magazine Pensar a Prática: a historical-cultural analysis of the scientific production of physical education. It aimed to analyze the productions that involved children's education and the game, being produced by the field of physical education, and thus to identify which pedagogical conceptions of learning are grounding the articles produced by the field. From the work productions in the area, specifically using the game, since it is one of the themes of body culture, and one of the most playful themes to work on in early childhood education, four articles were identified that dealt with the theme within these delimitations. In general, the articles didn't go into great detail about the concept of the game, they talked about it, about its contribution to teaching, but the centrality and focus was given to the other subject as a whole, such as aggressiveness, gender, fights, and physicality. About the pedagogical conceptions of physical education, in the analyzed articles, only one of the articles explicitly mentioned which conception was used, and brought in its title the adopted conception. With the result of the research, it was noticed a deficit in the production of knowledge of physical education with attention focused on early childhood education and the game.



Educação infantil, Jogo e brincadeira, Infância


SILVA, Thaís Araújo da. A educação infantil e o jogo na revista Pensar a Prática: uma análise histórico-cultural da produção científica da educação física. 2021. 35 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.