Walter Map e a tradição satírica misógina antimatrimonial no latim medieval

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Walter Map can be considered among the writers of medieval misogynistic anti-marriage tradition as a loyal follower of the celibate precepts highly established within the patristic tradition by St. Jerome. Written by Map in the format of a satirical criticism in medieval Latin, his libel Dissuasio Valerii ad Ruffinum philosophum nec uxorem ducat [Valerius’s deterrence to the philosopher Rufinus for not taking a wife] is, along with other writings on the subject, what can be found as genuinely denigrating of women and marriage in the Middle Ages. To present the main stages of this posture in the work cited is the main goal of this article.



Misoginia medieval, Medieval misogyny, Literatura antimatrimonial, Anti-marriage literature, Walter Map


FONSECA, Pedro Carlos Louzada. Walter Map e a tradição satírica misógina antimatrimonial no latim medieval. Mediação, Pires do Rio, v. 9, n. 1, p. 77-98, jan./dez. 2014.