A intertextualidade entre A vida e as opiniões do cavalheiro Tristram Shandy e A rainha dos cárceres da Grécia

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This paper will examine the novel A rainha dos cárceres da Grécia (1976) written by the Brazilian author Osman Lins, and one of the works he cites, the novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1998), written by the Irish author Laurence Sterne. We seek to highlight the relationship between them with respect to the assimilation of narrative strategies. As a theoretical support to observe the relationship between the two novels, we will use texts by Mikhail Bakhtin (1981 and 2010).



Intertextualidade, Intertextuality, Dialogismo, Estratégias narrativas, Dialogism, Narrative strategies


CAMARGOS, Kellen Millene; FARIA, Zênia de . A intertextualidade entre A vida e as opiniões do cavaleiro Tristram Shandy e A rainha dos cárceres da Grécia. Eutomia, Recife, v. 13, n. 1, p. 346-365, jul. 2014.