Impacto e divulgação da redução ao valor recuperável de ativos em instituições financeiras


The accounting convergence brings a lot of changes in procedures established by Law 6.404 of 1976 that has endured for many years in the Brazilian Accounting System. The accounting convergence began in 2007 through Law 11.638. It is a recent process that brings significant changes, including the impairment of assets, a procedure considered relevant, since it evaluates the assets thoroughly, considering internal and external factors to the entities, and keeps the assets with likely recovery values. It is still unclear the impacts that the impairment could cause to the stakeholders. The banks that have numerous assets may suffer significant losses, which may result in a reduction of assets and profits, interfering in the decisions of the accounting information’s users. Thus, the objective of this research was to verify the impact of the rule relating to the recoverable value of assets, both in financial terms and in the disclosure of Financial Institutions. The material used for analysis was the annual Financial Statements of fifteen banks for the period of 2008 to 2010. The data was evaluated in two ways: by applying a checklist of disclosure requirements of impairment and by calculating the weighted percentage for the accounting impact of the impairment loss, comparing each group of assets with their respective loss of recoverable value. We conclude that there is no disclosure of information relating to the impairment, and therefore there is need for improvement in this regard to meet both the regulatory requirements and those of the users. It was also found that most of the losses recognized by the entities analyzed concerning the recoverable value of assets are immaterial if compared to their assets. Therefore, we conclude that the assets were accounted for the actual recoverable value even before impairment became obligatory. Furthermore, no significant internal or external factors that could generate high losses were found in most of the sample evaluated for the period of 2008 to 2010.


v. 6, n. 6, jan./dez. 2012.


Impairment, Instituições financeiras, CPC 01, Impairment, Convergência, Financial institutions, Convergence


CAMILO, Anelise Cunha; PEREIRA, Ednei Morais. Impacto e divulgação da redução ao valor recuperável de ativos em instituições financeiras. CAP Accounting and Management, v. 6, n. 6, p. 28-47, jan./dez. 2012.