Reflexos no Abebé de Oxum: por uma narrativa mítica insubmissa e uma pedagogia transgressora

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this article I started a communication with the myth of Oxum, Orixá of feminine energy from afro- brazilian religion candomblé. Discussions were made about the multiple processes of articulation and construction of non-hegemonic knowledge. The mythology of the Orixás, plus the whole set of signs, meanings and symbologies that are subjectively constructed, contains a language and a performance that contribute to the consolidation of cultural aspects. These aspects are responsible for the constitution of affiliations and belongings, generating an extremely complex particular ethos. In this text, through a description of a mythical narrative by Oxum, a subalternized epistemology is revealed. This epistemology of African origin suffers at the same time with cruel processes of epistemicides and ontoepistemicides, but it remains insurgent, transgressive and not submissive.



Mitologia dos Orixás, Oxum, Plurisaberes, Pedagogia transgressora, Mythology of the Orixás, Oxum, Multiple knowledge, Transgressive pedagogy, Mitología del Orixás, Oxum, Conocimiento plural, Pedagogía transgresora


DIAS, Luciana de Oliveira. Reflexos no Abebé de Oxum: por uma narrativa mítica insubmissa e uma pedagogia transgressora. Articulando e construindo saberes, Goiânia, v. 5, e63860, 2020. Disponível em: