Auto-exame das mamas entre estudantes de medicina

dc.creatorFreitas Júnior, Ruffo de
dc.creatorBaêta, Lilian Freire
dc.creatorFreitas, Nilceana Maya Aires
dc.creatorPaulinelli, Régis Resende
dc.creatorFinotti, Marta Curado Carvalho Franco
dc.creatorSilveira, Mariluza Terra
dc.description.abstractPurpose: to evaluate the knowledge and practice of breast self-examination among medical students and to determine possible factors associated with this practice. Method: the authors used a questionnaire to gather information about the students and their knowledge of this self-examination. This questionnaire also allowed the authors to verify the frequency with which the female students performed breast self-examination. The χ 2 test and Student’s “t” test were used, when applicable, to check the association of certain factors. Results: of the 348 questionnaires which were answered, 16% (55) were submitted by 5 th year medical students, who had already attended the Gynecology course; 43% were answered by females, 62% of the students had medical doctors among their relatives, and 17% had a family history of breast cancer. In terms of breast self-examination, 95% knew about the method. Of the 149 females who answered the questionnaire, only 64% checked their breasts regularly. The reasons given for not performing self-examination varied: 24% considered themselves to be too young, 4% thought they would not have cancer, 9% listed fear as the reason, 19% reported they were too lazy, and 44% of the female students had no clear reason for not performing breast self-examination. Neither the knowledge nor the practice of the breast self-examination were associated with the subjects the students had or had not yet taken in medical school, with a family history of breast cancer or with the fact that one or more relatives were medical doctors. Conclusion: breast self-examination is known by practically all the medical students; nevertheless, only one third of the female students performed it regularly. This fact highlights the importance of emphasizing breast self-examination among medical students, so that they can help to disseminate this practice among the general population, rather than delegating this responsibility to the midia.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoObjetivo: avaliar o nível de conhecimento e prática do auto-exame da mama entre os estudantes do curso médico e determinar possíveis fatores associados a esta prática. Métodos: foi utilizado um questionário que continha informações sobre os alunos e o seu conhecimento a respeito do auto-exame, permitindo ainda, verificar entre as alunas a prática do mesmo. Utilizaram-se os testes do qui quadrado e “t” de Student, quando aplicáveis, para verificar a associação de alguns fatores com o auto-exame. Resultados: dos 348 questionários respondidos, 55 (16%) pertenciam aos alunos do 5 o ano (estudantes que haviam cursado a Disciplina de Ginecologia da Universidade Federal de Goiás), 43% eram mulheres, 62% tinham familiares médicos e 17% apresentavam história familiar de câncer de mama. Em relação ao conhecimento do auto-exame, 95% conheciam o método. Das 149 estudantes, apenas 64% o praticavam. Os motivos para não fazê-lo eram: por ser muito jovem (24%), por não acreditar que pudesse acontecer com ela (4%), por medo (9%) e por preguiça (19%), sendo que 44% das alunas não souberam explicar o motivo. Tanto o conhecimento quanto a prática do auto-exame não estiveram associados ao ano do curso médico, história familiar de câncer de mama ou à presença de familiar médico. Conclusão: o auto-exame é conhecido por praticamente todos os estudantes de medicina mesmo assim, um terço das estudantes não o praticam. Com isso ressalta-se a importância do auto-exame no curso médico, a fim de que os alunos possam levar mais informações à população, não limitando esta tarefa aos meios de comunicação.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationFREITAS JÚNIOR, Ruffo de et al. Auto-exame das mamas entre estudantes de medicina. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, São Paulo, v. 21, n. 5, p. 287-290, 1999.pt_BR
dc.identifier.issne- 1806-9339
dc.publisher.departmentFaculdade de Medicina - FM (RG)pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectMama: câncerpt_BR
dc.subjectEducação médicapt_BR
dc.subjectDiagnóstico precocept_BR
dc.subjectAuto-exame de mamaspt_BR
dc.subjectBreast cancerpt_BR
dc.subjectMedical educationpt_BR
dc.subjectBreast self-examinationpt_BR
dc.titleAuto-exame das mamas entre estudantes de medicinapt_BR
dc.title.alternativeBreast self-examination among medical studentspt_BR


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