Geografias e imagens de viagem: o território do rio São Francisco e algumas territorialidades vaporzeiras


This article aims to construct reflections about the direction that the voyage acquires as a geographic experience. In this passage of theoretical reflection this experience also presents as a methodologic way to be valued in search of territories and territorialities, beyond other spacial ideas and categories. The voyage as a way to be, as a way to go inside, to access images and memories that disclose the places, its landscapes, its multiple personages and identities. In the other way the meeting with the images and the memory of the vaporzeiro, becomes a moment of methodological reinvention of the research. Being opened to the newness and the uncertainty, being thus the geographer create a space of resistance and magnifying of agreement of the spaces from the experiences that emerge with this place and this personage."



Geografia e imagens, Geography and images, Viagem, Território, Territorialidade, Voyage, Territory, Territoriality


MOREIRA FERNANDEZ, Pablo Sebastian; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de. Geografias e imagens de viagem: o território do rio São Francisco e algumas territorialidades vaporzeiras. Geografia, Londrina, v. 19, n. 2, p. 145-161, 2010.