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O trabalho de técnicos/as em eletrotécnica: identidade e trajetória profissional
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-13) Borges, Daiane Raila Parrião; Nunes, Jordão Horta;; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Marques, Rogério dos Santos Bueno; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira
This dissertation analyzes the work of technicians in electrotechnics and the elements that allowed the construction of their identities and their professional trajectories, considering how the first contact with the profession was made until their professionalization from the training in the subsequent technical course in Electrotechnical. The relationship between training, professionalization in the technical course in electrotechnics at IFG, Campi Goiânia and the labor market in Goiania. The methodology comprises the use of various research techniques, quantitative and qualitative, on the same research object, which is the construction of identity and the professional trajectory of the electrical technician. The following were used in this sense: 1) literature review relevant to the object of study, sociology of professions, sociology of work, identity and professional trajectory, analyzing gender, race and class issues that circumscribe the world of work and operate in the professional trajectory of electrical technicians; 2) quantitative analysis of governmental databases on the socioeconomic profile of professionals in electrotechnics, through the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) of the labor and employment department of the Ministry of Economy (ME), the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); 3) construction of the script for the interview, starting with the identification of the people who collaborated with the research; 4) creation of the interview script and a survey, to carry out the interviews. The "snowball" method of selection of respondents was used, which consists of indicating other people by the first respondent. I constructed an intentional sample to subsidize a qualitative analysis, based on semi-structured interviews, until reaching saturation. The world of work has undergone numerous transformations over the decades that have enabled the emergence of new professions and consequently new challenges for professionals. Commonly, electrical technician professions are associated with the profile of an autonomous and untrained professional who works through experience. In this sense, the research addresses the professional trajectory of the electrical technician, how this professional's professionalization occurs; It is a profession that requires at least technical training to work. Electrotechnical technicians must have at least the training in the technical course on the profession in question, the expertise, the specialized knowledge of the field of action and the authorization of the jurisdictions and institutions responsible for regulating the profession. As a highlight of jurisdiction related to this profession, we have Decree nº 90.922, of February 6, 1985, which dealt in the 4th article with the attributions of 2nd degree industrial technicians, exercise of the profession and inspection. Federal institutions play an important role in training young people for the job market through the subsequent technical course in electrical engineering. However, even after training and entering the job market, individuals intend to continue studying by enrolling in higher education courses for female engineers
Análise da formação matemática no curso de pedagogia e a matemática a ser ensinada de acordo com a legislação: uma proposta de curso usando a gamificação
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Souza, Igor Rezende de; Souza, Marcelo Almeida de;; Souza, Marcelo Almeida de; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes; Silva, Fábio Vitoriano e
In this work, we seek to understand whether the training of pedagogues and their practice of teaching mathematics may be influencing the high rates of students who complete basic education without the necessary knowledge. We identified possible focal points and proposed solutions to the problem. In informal conversations with those who have to teach Mathematics in the early years but do not have a background in mathematics, I noticed that most do not like or master mathematical content. We analyzed the syllabi and curricula of pedagogy courses at universities in Goiânia: Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, and Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG), with the aim of verifying how the academic training of these professionals in mathematical content is conducted. We also analyzed the Curriculum Document for Goiás concerning mathematics content in early childhood and primary education - initial grades, to check if there is a relationship between the training received by the pedagogue and what they need to know in order to teach. We suggest offering a continuing education course for these professionals in a hybrid format: online/in-person, structured from a playful perspective, using gamification as a basis, in addition to platforms that enable interaction and enjoyable learning. It is important that it be attractive to participants, using the same tools they use with their students to teach them
Avaliação da resposta imune celular a antígenos recombinantes do Mycobacterium leprae e potencial aplicação para o diagnóstico da hanseníase paucibacilar
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-30) Sampaio, Lucas Henrique Ferreira; Stefani, Mariane Martins de Araújo;; Stefani, Mariane Martins de Araújo; Grossi, Maria Aparecida Faria; Moraes, Mílton Osório; Kipinis, Ana Paula Junqueira; Araújo Filho, João Alves de
Title: The evaluation of cellular immune responses to Mycobacterium leprae recombinant antigens and potential application for the diagnosis of paucibacillary leprosy. Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic and debilitating infectious disease that is characterized by a spectrum of dermato-neurological manifestations associated with different patterns of immune responses. At one end of the spectrum paucibacillary patients (PB) which include tuberculoid (TT) and borderline tuberculoid (BT) patients mount a strong cellular immune response. On the extreme multibacillary (MB) patients including borderline-borderline (BB), borderline-lepromatous (BL) and lepromatous (LL) forms, respond to infection with vigorous antibody production. The diagnosis of leprosy is based on clinical manifestations hampering the early diagnosis before the onset of sequelae. The development laboratory tests applicable for early leprosy diagnosis is considered essential to reduce possible sources of transmission and the number of patients with physical disabilities. Methods: This work investigated the immune reactivity of a panel of 41 M. leprae (ML) recombinant proteins. The immune reactivity to ML proteins was evaluated by the production of IFNy, measured by ELISA, in the supernatants of 24 hours cultures of heparinized whole blood (whole blood assays/WBA) stimulated with ML antigen (10ug/ml). Study groups were leprosy patients both PB (TT / BT) and MB (BL / LL), newly diagnosed, untreated, classified according to Ridley and Jopling criteria. Household contacts of MB patients (HHC), HIV-1 negative patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and healthy individuals from the same endemic area (EC) were also investigated. In silico predictions were used to investigate the level of identity of the ML proteins with counterparts in other mycobacteria and to assesse the presence of potential T cell epitopes. For a selected group of immunogenic and specific ML antigens, the profile of 14 cytokines/chemokines induced in WBA was also investigated by Multiplex plataform. Results and Conclusions: The WBA results identified 11 out of 41 M. leprae recombinant proteins (ML0405, ML2055, ML2331, ML0840, ML1623, ML1556, MLI632, ML1685, ML0276, ML2044, 46f) that were classified as immunogenic and capable of inducing specific cellular immune response. These ML antigens were considered to have potential application for the development of laboratory tests for the diagnosis of PB leprosy. The same pattern of immunoreactivity identified among PB leprosy patients was observed among HHC, while MB leprosy, TB patients and healthy individuals did not respond to these antigens. In silico predictions of immunogenicity and specificity were not confirmed by ex vivo WBA results. The multiplex cytokine study with a selected group of ML antigens showed that besides IFNy, patients with PB leprosy produce other cytokines characteristic of Th1 cells (IL-2 and IL-12). Nevertheless these results that IFNy remained the best immunological marker of cellular immune response of PB patients to recombinant M. leprae proteins. MB leprosy patients secrete mainly Th2 type cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-5 in response to recombinant ML proteins. None of the 14 cytokines/chemokines analyzed in the multiplex was able to distinguish the cellular immune responses of PB patients from the majority of HHC. Although the majority of HHC response identically to PB, we observed that some individuals at greater risk of leprosy infection can mount a Th2 response, similar to MB patients.
Desenvolvimento econômico e bens de capital: o retrato do setor de bens de capital no Brasil entre 2003 e 2018
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-03) Silva, Fernanda Alves Rodrigues da; Martins, Aline Regina Alves;; Martins, Aline Regina Alves; Silva, Joyce Helena Ferreira da; Leite, Alexandre César Cunha
There has been a long debate in academia about economic development and which variables influence the process of overcoming underdevelopment. In Brazil, since the 1930s, governments have had a history of interrupted implementation of industrial policies that were always intended to strengthen the national economy and reduce growth's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment. Although in the 1980s the government managed to increase the share of added value from manufactured goods in the Gross Domestic Product, this feat came at the cost of high state debt and hyperinflation. After the process of economic liberalization in the 1990s, the implementation of the Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy (2004-2007) proved to be a return of industrial policies to the government's agenda. Since then, the government has implemented the Productive Development Policy (2008-2010), the Greater Brazil Plan (2011-2014) and the More Productive Brazil Plan (2014-2018) with the aim of strengthening the national industry and, consequently, the Capital Goods sector. In addition to analyzing the industrial policies implemented between 2003 and 2018 by the Federal Government, this research also used data on the import and export of capital goods to construct the Trade Specialization Index (TSI) and the Trade Intensity Index (TII) in order to build a portrait of the Brazilian Capital Goods sector during the research period. The IEC can be used as a proxy for the competitiveness of the Capital Goods sector in trade with other countries. The ICC measures the weight of the Capital Goods segment in bilateral trade, in this specific study, with Argentina, China and the United States. The results showed that Brazil did not present commercial specialization for the sector and the Trade Intensity Index only presented significant results in bilateral trade with Argentina, a country that makes up MERCOSUR together with Brazil and has differentiated customs treatment
Sistemas eletroquímicos - novas abordagens para detecção simultânea e aplicações vestíveis
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Romanholo, Pedro Victor Valadares; Sgobbi, Lívia Flório;; Sgobbi, Lívia Flório; Martins, Paulo Roberto; Jost, Cristiane Luísa; Galli, Andressa; Madurro, João Marcos
This work presents the fabrication methods and the application of two electrochemical systems. The frst one, named yin-yang method, comprises the development of a novel approach for the simultaneous detection of two solvent incompatible molecules, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). For that end, two electrochemical cells were arranged in a parallel array, resulting in an analytical method capable of simultaneously measuring the output signal of both analytes in a single run. The main goal of this method lies on the possibility of bypassing the analytical limitations present when both analytes are prepared in a single medium, since vitamin C is readily soluble in water but vitamin D3 hardly solubilizes in the same concentration range. Due to the solubilization impairment, the electrochemical output presents with low resolution when both vitamins are collectively analyzed in a single medium, which also impacts the detection since the electrochemical potential shifts considerably. Results showed that the yin-yang method is reliable, may avoid the use of multichannel potentiostats, and might improve analytical parameters. The second system is presented as a wearable paper-based electrochemical platform employed for the continuous monitoring of sweat glucose levels. The device is fabricated with an iontophoretic stage through which sweat stimulating molecules are delivered across the skin to achieve higher fuid fow-rate, while also employing polyacrylamide gels capable of enhancing osmotic pressure to further increase sweat production. The sensor operates by wicking the biofuid directly from skin through a paper patch, which works as substrate for a glucose oxidase modifed electrode to detect changing levels of glucose. Results showed that the device allows the use for extended periods of time by an individual, displaying matching behavior with that of commercial devices. The output signal stability and resolution are shown to be fow-rate dependent and are infuenced by the individual sweat production profle