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Alerta no controle da gestão pública: perfil de aplicação a partir da experiência do TCE/TO (2019 a 2022)
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-09) Macêdo, João Paulo Lândin; Valle, Vanice Regina Lírio do;; Valle, Vanice Regina Lírio do; Motta, Fabrício Macedo; Willeman, Marianna Montebello
The object of the research presently designed comprises the investigation regarding the alerts issued by the Court of Auditors based on article 59, §1, of Complementary Law n. 101/2000 (Fiscal Responsibility Law), in light of the institutional practice of control over public management carried out by the TCE-TO (Court of Auditors of the State of Tocantins). The general objective is to categorize the institute under theoreticalconceptual bases and diagnose its incidence in the dynamics of the external control process, especially in view of the institutional reconfiguration of the Courts of Auditors since the Constitution of 1988 and, more recently, the effects aroused by the public calamity resulting from Covid-19. From the perspective of methodological options, a primary theoretical research is undertaken to organize previous knowledge about alerts in the dynamics of the Public Administration’s accounts control. So that, through the objective examination of the legal-normative framework and the review of specialized literature, it is possible to demarcate the conceptual contours and the legal nature of the institute, as well as to understand its functionality in the context of the controlling activity. Nevertheless, the objective of understanding the use of alerts goes beyond the verification of the real conditions of employment of the tool in the operationalization of control, which demands an empirical cut, being structured from the mobilization of documentary data, collected from primary sources, about the alerts issued by the Tocantins Court of Auditors between 2019 and 2022. By combining statistical survey with a qualitative documentary research strategy, it will be possible to examine the informing logic of issuing alerts, the conformity of their scope to the legal nature that emerges from their normative framework conferred by the Fiscal Responsibility Law, as well as to discern their integration within the assessment of government accounts
Portas: entre vias, saia são - performance de gente
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-26) Santiago, Letícia Lemes; Lima, Marlini Dorneles de;; Lima, Marlini Dorneles de; Lotufo, Júlia Jenior; Souza, Newton Armani de
The study sought to promote performing arts among residents of the northwest region of Goiânia, adopting a workshop approach that culminated in an artistic performance. The central proposal of the research was the creation of a performance among the region’s residents. The research was based on the concepts of Spinoza’s “affects” and Bakhtin’s “voices”, paving the way for a deeper exploration through memory from somatic-performative research. This exploration involved the search for objects, actions, memories, stories and movements that held the desire to be shared. The main objective was to discover voices and affections that intertwine in the search for (re)creating through artistic performance. As a result, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of art as a means of expression, connection and personal development in collaboration with the local community. Therefore, when exploring voices and affections, a deep and meaningful journey is revealed that transcends the limits of the body and language. Voices, as individual and collective entities, and affects, as emotional drivers, merge in an exploration that echoes the rich diversity of human experience and its quest to (re)create through artistic performance.
O olhar do intérprete de língua indígena sobre a educação escolar ofertada a estudantes indígenas em escolas de cidades do estado de Goiás
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-09) Souza, Valéria Cavalcante da Silva; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares;; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Mainardi, Camila
This dissertation analyzes the contingencies of the inclusion of indigenous students outside their indigenous lands in an urban context within schools in the State Education Network and the challenges of implementing, since 2015, a proposal from the Goiás State Department of Education (SEDUC-GO) with the hiring of interpreters of indigenous languages to support these students. It presents results of documentary research on the proposal, the correlation with legislation for indigenous school education and research in schools in the State Education Network of the State of Goiás, specifically in the municipalities of Goiânia and Aragarças, which received indigenous students, enrolled among the years from 2015 to 2022, who are outside their indigenous lands due to several factors. It focuses on the views of these indigenous language interpreter teachers regarding their experience as interpreters, with school education and in cities. The approach is both qualitative and quantitative, employing semi-structured interviews, observation and field diaries as methods and techniques. Considering that SEDUC's proposal for interpreters of indigenous languages aims to promote the inclusion and reception of indigenous students who are “in a situation of itinerantity”, from an intercultural perspective, this dissertation reflects on the relationships established between indigenous and non-indigenous people and the actions involving pedagogical practices in the school environment.
Deciphering the stereoselectivity of Claisen rearrangements: joint density functional theory and machine learning models
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-29) Oliveira, Ana Gabriela Coelho; Oliveira, Heibbe Cristhian Benedito de; 5995553993631378; Oliveira, Heibbe Cristhian Benedito de; Alonso, Christian Gonçalves; Muniz, Aline Silva; Silveira Neto, Brenno Amaro da; Oliveira, Guilherme Colherinhas de
In the present study, the stereoselectivity of Claisen Rearrangements was addressed, focusing on the influence of two distinct electron-withdrawing groups and eight different substituents in three variants of the rearrangement: Hurd, Eschenmoser, and Johnson. Using the Curtin-Hammett principle, the energies of reactions, products, and transition states were calculated using the M062X/def2TZVPP theory level. The results indicate that kinetic effects predominantly govern the reaction equilibrium. A key aspect of our investigation involved applying Shubin’s energy decomposition analysis to the optimized transition states. This approach highlighted the significant influence of the electrostatic component on stereoselectivity, revealing its predominance over the quantum and steric components. Moreover, each transition state was divided into four fragments: the electron-withdrawing groups (Ester and Nitrile), the specific Hurd/Esch/John group (H, NMe2, and OEt), various substituents (alkyl and aryl), and the central fragment. This fragmentation allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the dipole moments of the groups and non-covalent interactions, providing insights into the electrostatic forces driving the rearrangement process. In addition, Supervised Machine Learning algorithms were employed, focusing on the analysis of electronic and geometric datasets related to the transition states. The results obtained not only elucidate the mechanisms underlying the stereoselectivity of Claisen Rearrangements but also provide a subtle understanding of the interaction between different molecular components, establishing new perspectives in advanced applications in organic synthesis.
Modelo andragógico de formação para o cuidado centrado na pessoa na atenção psicossocial
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-19) Sousa, Johnatan Martins; Nunes, Fernanda Costa;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz;; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz; Lucchese, Roselma; Paranaguá, Thatianny Tanferri de Brito ; Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves
INTRODUCTION:In the Brazilian scenario, in relation to community psychosocial care service teams, there is still criticism of the hegemony of the biomedical model leading their practices. One possibility of breaking this hegemonic power is the adoption of the Person-Centered Clinical Method, which aims to promote the protagonism and activation of health service users in the care process to reverse this situation through the application of four related components: a) Exploring health, illness and the experience of illness; b) Understanding the person as a whole; c) Drawing up a joint problem management plan; d) Strengthening the relationship between the person and the doctor/health professional, as evidence indicates that in the mental health scenario it is still necessary to increase the participation of users in the decision-making process about their care. OBJECTIVE: Understand the health team's training process on person-centered care in psychosocial care. METHODOLOGY: Intervention research with a qualitative approach carried out in two stages. In the first, 17 professionals from two Psychosocial Care Centers in a municipality in the central region of Brazil participated between the months of June and August 2021, using a sociodemographic and professional profile questionnaire, in addition to a semi-structured script for an individual online interview and notes. in a field diary to survey situational diagnosis on person-centered care. The second phase of data collection consisted of a training intervention guided by the Experiential Learning Cycle on person-centered care, carried out in four meetings to equip multidisciplinary teams and took place between the months of October and December 2022 with the participation of 30 professionals of the services included in the first stage of the study. The emerging data was organized with the help of the ATLAS.ti software and subjected to content analysis, thematic modality. RESULTS: From the analytical process of the situational diagnosis on person-centered care in psychosocial care, 7 thematic categories emerged: 1. Health/illness process in the light of person-centered care; 2. Practice of welcoming for person-centered care; 3. Assistance planning; 4. Enhancer aspects of the therapeutic relationship; 5. Repercussions of the therapeutic relationship; 6. Challenges for the therapeutic relationship; 7. Training process. The results highlighted potential related to person-centered care in the context of psychosocial care, however, it also highlighted some challenges that need to be overcome for the full implementation of the Person-Centered Clinical Method, especially issues related to interpersonal and relational competence. These findings made it possible to construct the second phase of the research to qualify the teams' professional practice in relation to person -centered care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The investigation showed that even in a non systematized way, the teams at the Psychosocial Care Centers put into practice some aspects of the Person-Centered Clinical Method and demonstrate the importance of training processes for combining practice with the theoretical foundation for the strengthening the psychosocial care model